Dr. Lenore Walker began studying violence against women inthe 1970s after working with children and mothers in the first part of hercareer. In 1979, she published TheBattered Woman, which helped raise awareness for domestic violence. As partof her work, she recorded the Cycle of Abuse based on the patterns that shefound when interviewing women who had experienced domestic violence.
By the 1980s she had become a well known figure in thecountry for her work in domestic violence. Dr. Walker began frequentlyparticipating in trials and trying to help advocate for the victim. Throughthis work, she was able to help change the legal system for those who have experienceddomestic violence. As a result of her notoriety and experience, she was hiredto evaluate OJ Simpson’s defense team to evaluate him. Her reports andtestimony supported his defense and she testified in support of him.Organizations including the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence didspeak out against her testimony.