Sarah’s Inn’s (Not A Book) Book Club is a monthly virtual gathering to share, discuss, and learn together about a wide range of social justice topics and how they intersect with intimate partner violence. With our busy schedules, it can be difficult for many of us to find the time to participate in traditional book club settings. In place of a book, each month we will ask you to view a short video or article before our meeting - one that will never take more than 30 minutes of your time - that we will use to center our discussion. During our conversation, we will share why we believe the month’s topic connects to domestic violence and our work at Sarah’s Inn.  Grab your lunch and your laptop, invite a friend, and join us for some great content, conversation, and the chance to connect with fellow community members who share a passion for social justice!

In recognition of Pride Month, we will discuss an interview from Code Switch with author Carmen Maria Machado, whose recent memoir, In the Dream House, “tells the story of how she survived intimate partner violence, despite having few models of how to deal with, or even recognize abusive dynamics in queer relationships.” Please listen to the interview at this link before the discussion: “Stepping Back Inside Carmen Maria Machado's 'Dream House'” (*Interview starts at 5:50)

What: (Not A Book) Book Club

Provided by: Sarah’s Inn’s Department of Training and Education


  • Wednesday, June 16th, 12-1PM

Duration: 60 minutes

Where: This event will be held virtually on Zoom.

Cost: FREE

Registration Link: Register in advance for this meeting to receive the Zoom link in your email:

Contact: Aniela Tyksinski, Communication Education Coordinator |