Every month, Sarah’s Inn nominates a volunteer to be our Volunteer of The Month. Conor Cronin was nominated as January’s Volunteer of The Month. Conor joined the Sarah’s Inn team in November 2021. Our Volunteer and In-Kind Coordinator, Mariam, asked Conor about his experiences as a volunteer.
- How long have you been volunteering with us, and how did you hear about Sarah’s Inn?
“I have been volunteering with Sarah’s Inn for a little over a year, and heard about the agency through a volunteering website that helps connect volunteers to different opportunities.”
- What have you enjoyed about volunteering with Sarah’s Inn?
“The direct contribution I make and the flexibility with volunteering. I can volunteer from anywhere to work directly with people and make an impact. I am very grateful for this opportunity.”
- Every month, you take on multiple crisis line shifts. How do you find ways to fit volunteering into your schedule?
“Normally I end up taking the overnight shifts and will have my phone with me along with keeping an accurate planner.”
- What made you want to volunteer at a Domestic Violence Agency?
“I was looking for general volunteering opportunities and found the one for Sarah’s Inn. I saw that I would be able to have a direct impact working directly with people who need help. This opportunity also fits into my schedule.”
- Some people may find it difficult to balance working, volunteering, and their personal lives. Why do you think it is important for folks to find the time to volunteer?
“I think it is important for folks to find the time to volunteer to bring you closer to the community. I am not from here (Forest Park and neighboring cities) but I feel like I have been more involved in this community and feel like I belong here.”
- Why should people volunteer at Sarah’s Inn?
“I think people should volunteer at Sarah’s Inn if they want to make a direct impact with people who need help. There is a training to help prepare volunteers before they start. The staff that work there also value each volunteer’s individual time to help.”
Thank you Conor for volunteering with Sarah’s Inn. If you are interested in volunteering, the best way to get involved is by emailing volunteering@sarahsinn.org, where you will be able to learn more about volunteering opportunities that are available to you.