Every month, Sarah’s Inn nominates a volunteer to be our Volunteer of The Month. Cara Bryan was nominated as January’s Volunteer of The Month. Cara joined the Sarah’s Inn team in July 2023. Our Volunteer and In-Kind Coordinator, Mariam, asked Cara about her experiences as a volunteer.
- How long have you been volunteering with us, and how did you hear about Sarah’s Inn?
“I did the training in May of 2023 and have been with Sarah’s Inn since then. I heard about Sarah’s Inn from the community and people referring clients over. It seemed like you all had a good reputation and were doing important work so I wanted to get involved.”
- What have you enjoyed about volunteering with Sarah’s Inn?
“I loved the training and learned so much doing it. I feel I have a deeper understanding of domestic violence, and it helped me become a better listener, and a generally more compassionate person. I feel like everyone would benefit from taking the course (the 40-hour training). Volunteering on the crisis line has also actually helped me to be productive with my own work. Since I work a flexible schedule from home, sometimes it can be hard for me to focus on tasks for work, but volunteering helps me to get work done. I set a time where my family can leave me alone in case a call comes in so I am not distracted, and I'm able to focus on the crisis line along with getting work done.”
- Every month, you take on multiple crisis line shifts. How do you find ways to fit volunteering into your schedule?
“I have 3 kids that are busy and involved in a lot of activities, so it involves some planning. I plan crisis line shifts around my family and when I can have time to myself, then try to line it up with when I have other computer work to do. I'm in a quiet office with no family distractions so I'm ready to take a call when it comes in”
- What made you want to volunteer at a Domestic Violence Agency?
“It was just something I really wanted to help with. Marriage and relationships are hard anyway, and trying to give your kids the best home is everyone's wish. I can’t imagine the challenges with raising a family while there is also violence in the home. I wanted to help make it easier for people going through that while also helping callers to provide the best life for their kids.”
- Some people may find it difficult to balance working, volunteering, and their personal lives. Why do you think it is important for folks to find the time to volunteer?
“I see it as something you do for yourself. Helping others really does make you feel good. It ends up just feeling like me-time while I am doing it. Volunteering does not feel like a sacrifice.”
- Why should people volunteer at Sarah’s Inn?
“The work Sarah’s Inn does is amazing. It is such a positive and inclusive organization. You are also making this huge positive impact in a person’s life. With every call that comes through, I think about the courage and strength it took for that person to make that call, and how powerful it is to have an opportunity to help them.”
Thank you Cara for volunteering with Sarah’s Inn. If you are interested in volunteering, the best way to get involved is by emailing volunteering@sarahsinn.org, where you will be able to learn more about volunteering opportunities that are available to you.